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Hamadi ( Restaurant ) (طعام) 3.8 (5)

Rue de la Kasbah, Tanger 90000, Maroc
+212 5399-34514

Hamadi ( Restaurant )

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Les images ainsi qu'une partie des textes, des avis et des informations présents sur cette page proviennent de différentes sources dont Google, TripAdvisor, Here et Expedia.



5 avis.


8 avis.
Omar El Alami الجمعة، ٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٧
  --- A Google User ---
Cool place for its atmosphere and presentation. Really good presentation of the moroccan traditional restaurant but with a modern twist, but its pros end there. The food is under average or average at best (4.9/10 food in my opinion), which means that it’s a bit overpriced for its quality. It was nice while I was there but I wouldn’t go again.
Un avis.
Anne Corry الخميس، ٤ يناير ٢٠١٨
  --- A Google User ---
This review is not about Restaurant Hamadi's food or atmosphere (although both looked phenomenal), but rather about the generosity and welcoming spirit of the restaurant's owner and his daughter, Hama, who extended unparalleled kindness to my friend and I on New Years Eve, 2017. To make a long saga short, we (two American women with one year of college French between us) ended up getting extremely lost - without phones or the address of our Air B and B - in the dark and very intimidating (even for a hardened New Yorker who is familiar with being harassed) streets/alleys of Tangiers. We had absolutely no idea where we were and no way to contact our friends. We were lucky enough to stumble upon the beautiful Restaurant Hamadi, which was in the midst of hosting a festive and busy New Year's Eve celebration. The owner and his daughter basically stopped everything to lend us their phone(s) and help us figure out the Moroccan platforms for Facebook, Gmail, What's App, to connect with our friends. We were there for almost an hour trying different outreach tactics, with the owner giving us the restaurant's phone number for our friends to call to connect with us. They couldn't have been more forthcoming, lovely and generous - again, on what must have been one of their busiest nights of the year. When, finally, we landed on a plan to walk to a landmark where we thought we could find our way back to the Air B and B, the owner designated one of his waiters to leave his shift to accompany us, to ensure that (a) we would be safe and (b) we wouldn't get lost again. Our offer to give the money that we had on us to the owner/his daughter to thank them was firmly declined. My friend and I (and the rest of our friends who assumed the worst during our absence) will be forever grateful to the fine folks at Restaurant Hamadi, and we encourage everyone traveling to Tangiers to check out their beautiful restaurant.
Un avis.
Rob Howard الأربعاء، ٦ سبتمبر ٢٠١٧
  --- A Google User ---
Its on the tourist tour and the food is mediocre at best but not as bad as some reviews make out. The atmosphere is good and we enjoyed the musicians. It was fun to stop off here!
Un avis.
Sheila Escot الثلاثاء، ١٢ سبتمبر ٢٠١٧
  --- A Google User ---
I love this restaurant!! I enjoy very much with the musicians every time I go and the food is quite good. The waiters and the owner are very professional. I like to come back every time I go to Tanger.
Un avis.
Jan Smith السبت، ٣٠ سبتمبر ٢٠١٧
  --- A Google User ---
Our tour group went here and the food was nice, atmosphere good, decor lovely, and service excellent. There were musicians playing local music, very nice. I would go back.
Google Place
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